500 University Avenue West, Minot, ND

Project Scope

Project Scope logo
Who Qualifies?

Infants and children, birth to three years of age, who have or are suspected to have a developmental delay in the areas of learning, speech and language, audiology, fine and gross motor skills, nutrition, or social development.

  • Evaluation
  • Consultations
  • Parent Training


Service provided by Specialists:
  • Cognitive Development
  • Speech and Language
  • Audiology
  • Fine Motor Skills
  • Gross Motor Skills
  • Nutrition
  • Social-Emotional



Minot State University
Minot, North Dakota 58707



Services provided by the Minot Infant Development Program are at no cost to the parents.


Funded By:

North Dakota Department of Human Services Developmental Disabilities Division.

What is ND Project Scope?

Supporting Children of the Opioid Epidemic, is a national training initiative intended to build nationwide provider capacity and confidence in applying evidence-based practices. This initiative will build upon the effective ECHORvirtual training model to train interdisciplinary teams in North Dakota on emerging knowledge and evidence-based practices in screening, monitoring and interdisciplinary care for children impacted by neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), trauma, or related exposure. Care curriculum will include current research on brain development, developmental outcomes of prenatal exposure to opioid and other substances, trauma informed care, provider secondary trauma stress and strategies to support caregivers. This initiative is intended to improve outcomes by linking research to practical application in local communities, providing opportunities to share knowledge and findings with national networks and federal agencies, and providing recommendations for future interventions.

Professional Development to Provide Ongoing Support for:

  • Early Childhood Workforce
  • Early Childcare Providers
  • Early Intervention and Head Start teams
  • Developmental Specialists
  • Service Coordinators
  • Speech Language Pathologists
  • Physical and Occupational Therapists
  • Social work CEU’s and Certificates of Completion available upon request
Project ECHO Logo
Group of adults looking face forward

Session Information

Sessions are on Thursdays from 10:00 am to 11:00 am CST via ZOOM Conferencing Technology.

Click Here for a list of session DATES, TITLES, DESCRIPTIONS and PRESENTERS.

Click Here to register for sessions


Krista Opstedal
500 University Avenue West
Minot, ND 58707
701-858-3414, ext 3414 or 1-800-233-1737