500 University Avenue West, Minot, ND

Consumer Advisory Council (CAC)

NDCPD CAC Legislative Platform – COMING SOON!

Consumer Advisory Council – About Us

Application for Consumer Advisory Council:  If you run into difficulty with the application, please download the form, complete the information and mail it to the address listed on the form.

Featured AUCD / UCEDD Resource Center Brief:

Consumer Advisory Council (CAC) Support, Promising Practice Brief, 2010


This council reviews NDCPD’s five-year plan. The members of the CAC look at NDCPD’s goals and help set priorities. They also review progress toward those goals as required under the DD Act. The committee reflects the cultural and ethnic diversity of North Dakota. Representatives include people with disabilities and family members from across the state. Agency participants include a member from the Protection and Advocacy, a self-advocacy group, and the DD Council.

The committee meets quarterly. Typical activities include: members personally visiting NDCPD and reporting back to the full committee, members sharing advocacy efforts in local areas, and members discussing fundraising activities for NDCPD’s Scholarship Fund. Members also attend conferences and review NDCPD’s five-year plan.

Members of the committee report this leadership experience meets many needs. They enjoy networking with other members, learning about state-of-the-art research, having input into activity design and meeting a wide variety of people through CAC activities.


If you would like to be considered to be a member of the NDCPD Consumer Advisory Council, please complete this Consumer Advisory Council Membership Application which is a fillable PDF, print, and mail to: Dr. Lori Garnes, Minot State University, 500 University Avenue West, Minot, ND 58707. 

NDCPD's CAC members
NDCPD Consumer Advisory Council Members as of October 2022

NDCPD has established the M. Bryce Fifield ACCESS Scholarship to help MSU students with disabilities finance their college experience. During the ACCESS Scholars’ education journey at MSU, they will have the opportunity to influence their campus community bringing disability issues into the mainstream to spark discussions about quality of life and independence.

EDUCATION AND OPPORTUNITY:  People with disabilities have the same goals, desires, and wishes as most people. They seek independence, meaningful involvement in their communities, a measure of affluence, and security. A college education can help them achieve these goals. Unfortunately, existing grants, loans, and scholarships often have many conditions attached to them that limit their usefulness for people who have significant disabilities.

ACCESS SCHOLARSHIP: The ACCESS Scholarship provides scholarships to students pursuing a wide range of educational experiences at Minot State University. Students in liberal arts, sciences, business, education and human services benefit from the fund.  As ACCESS Scholars pursue their education, they touch the lives of their peers, colleagues, and professors. In addition to expanding their own horizons, they bring disability issues into the mainstream of campus life and make discussions about quality of life and independence relevant for all college students.

APPLICATION PROCESS:  Applications are collected each spring and scholarship awards are generally made in June or July for use in the following academic year. Applications are available from the North Dakota Center for Persons with Disabilities at Minot State University in Memorial Hall 234. Alternate formats of the scholarship application materials are available upon request. To apply, please complete the ACCESS Scholarship Form!